Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I did it!

Seriously, EVERYONE I know has been pleading for me to write a blog because my life is so interesting. Not really, but I am bending to requests so here it is. A warning: there will probably a lot of opinions, good times, rants about incorrect grammar, cute clothes/shoes, apartment decorating, meal making, sappy love posts (who am I these days, really?), and crazy cat lady moments. If you can't handle that -- why are we friends, again? And just to live up to expectations, a story. 

Last weekend, Sean and I (and most of his fraternity) went to New Orleans. I love New Orleans because it combines many of my favorite things: wandering around with a hand grenade, eating delicious food, creepy ghost stories, and late nights. What's not to love? Anyway, if you are there, you must go to the Royal Oyster House. Eat well. Order the New Orleans Trio. Or the scallop and shrimp pasta. Or the Corn Chowder. Really, order anything. Just go. I wish I had pictures, but my camera broke. If I did, I could show you the scallops the size of silver dollars that were in my pasta. Delish. Do you know what is not delish? Eating pizza off Bourbon Street. Not from a pizza place on Bourbon Street -- that is tasty, especially at 4 a.m. Eating pizza from a pizza place off Bourbon Street after you've dropped said pizza on the ground. I won't name names, but he owes me. Also for not posting a certain Lady GaGa dance routine on YouTube. You're welcome. Chalk it up to Good Time #1. It was a fantastic weekend.

One more thing: 
Quinton's pretty much the cutest.


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