Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My New Years' Re-Solution

Yeah, this horrible motivational speaker called it that on Twitter the other day. I cannot even begin to tell you how dumb this is grammatically. A re-solution means you are solving something again, which in turn implies that you probably failed last year at your weight loss/finding God/making someone marry you goal. 

Anyway. This year, I have the proto-typical New Year's goal to get healthy (that's what I'm calling it in 2011 since putting numbers and schedules on it in the past has failed MISERABLY). But my complete determination to not be a fat ass in 2011 is completely boring so here's the real deal...

In 2011, I'm going to be more MANLY (is underlining "manly" actually over-accessorizing the word? FAIL ALREADY).

Well, not really manly. Bear with me. See, I really love sparkly things and pink things and smell-good things and make-up and clothes and house-decorating and most things girly -- the pink text of course, being for emphasis. What I don't like about being a girl is the struggle to compartmentalize. Guys have it so easy. Seriously, you are biologically able to shut down areas of your brain where girls see everything interconnected. Sometimes, interconnectivity is good.

When you are so stressed out you end up in an emergency room with stress-induced migraines and vomiting, this is bad. 

In 2010, I completed one goal of getting a not-stress-free-but-certainly-not-sickness-inducing job. As I slowly wrap my head around what I want to do for the rest of my life (scary), I would like to look forward knowing that I have the capability to compartmentalize. Like a man. Or a boss. A man who's a boss?

Bottom line: If you hear me making general connections to things and those connections don't actually exist, tell me to man up. I'll know what you mean :)

Sidenote: I'm actually pretty good at compartmentalizing in my personal life. It's the damn professional life that messes with my head. This is probably because I've had a personal life for 22 years and a professional life for... 1, working on 2. It's a process people. 

P.S. -- I got a new camera for Christmas so expect many more pictures. Christmas/New Years post coming soon, I promise!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, I SO wish I could be more masculine and compartmentalize my emotions, etc. Life would be so much easier.

    PS: I gave you a silly little blog award over at MY blog, so check it out if you'd like! :)
